The Weight Lifter

Sunday, January 15, 2006


Didn't hit my target to today. Had a fair # of cals, but also did a record cardio (160 mins!) - the new cardio stuff at the gym rocks. Have a flat screen with remote to channel surf helps :)

Considering I was at 242.8 yesterday, and will prob be at or below 245 tommorow, I'm not very worried, but annoyed. The prob is I ate late. Which gets back to the whole "daily weight is meaningless". So I'm not sure why every monday I hava a daily weight goal while I should be having a trend weight (It's 246.8 today, BTW). Will prob do this another week, but might want to adjust the goals to reflect trend goals by a certain date...

Did the second to last workout tonight for HST! As dumbbells only go to 100 pounds, I had to adjust some workouts to machines. The machines are GREAT at the new gym, but it really throws stuff off.

Today's Stats

Lifting:HST - 5#'s, #5
Cardio:160 minutes
Weight: 247 pounds
Calories:2982 total
Protein:150 grams
% Protein:20%
% Carb:48%
% Fat:28%


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